CCA Treated Timber - Timber Treat

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CCA Treated Timber

Treated or preserved timber is impregnated with Copper Chrome Arsenate (also known as Chromated Copper Arsenate or CCA) a mix of three chemicals that protects the wood from rotting caused by insects, fungi and bacteria.

TimberTreat Treated Pine's treatment process conforms to Australia AS/NZS 1604 Standards for Specification for Preservative Treatment

Why Use CCA-Treated Pine?
Durability: CCA has been used to treat pine since the 1940's, and it is said that properly treated pine will
last for 100 years.

Renewable resource: According to government figures, Australia has approximately 1.6 million hectares of
plantations, with around 61% being Radiata pine (Pinus radiata).

Precautions for CCA-Treated Timber
Given the toxicity of the chemicals used to treat timber, some precautions are recommended:

  • Don't use treated timber under circumstances where it may come into contact with food or drink, e.g. a picnic table or bench-top, or containers for storing animal or human food

  • Don't use treated pine shavings or sawdust as animal litter

  • Hands should be washed thoroughly after handling CCA-treated timber

  • Treated timber should not be burned

  • Avoid inhalation of sawdust from any and all wood, treated or untreated

For more information see the CCA Safety page

Phone: (03) 5678 7387
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